Embracing ESG: A Deep Dive into Sustainable Real Estate and the impacts of climate changeToday’s commercial landscape is witnessing an essential evolutio...Community Blog-siteadmin-June 14, 2023
Navigating Our Path: ESG Transformation in Real Estate, Hospitality and InfrastructureThe world around us is undergoing profound and necessary changes at an...Community Blog-siteadmin-June 14, 2023
Balancing the Scales: Unveiling the Sustainability Burden Gap Between Governments and BusinessesSajjeed Aslam, Partner, SpectrEco on LinkedIn In the recent past, ther...Thought Leadership-siteadmin-June 9, 2023
Middle East’s march toward a greener futureBy Faraz Khan, CEO & Partner, Spectreco Embarking on a transformat...Thought Leadership-siteadmin-January 19, 2023
SpectrEco’s CEO Faraz Khan’s Urgent Message on BBC on Climate Crisis and Global CollaborationIn a recent interview with BBC News, SpectrEco’s CEO, @Faraz Kha...Thought Leadership-siteadmin-March 23, 2022